From which state of consciousness do you operate as a leader?

Mar 25, 2024

Your consciousness impacts your leadership impact and success as well as your level of happiness.

And it all depends on which of the 4 states of consciousness you lead and operate from.

Consciousness states are like gears in a car - it's much harder to drive in gears 1 or 2 quickly and with ease... so the higher the gear, the smoother, easier, and faster the drive.

Sadly, most of us operate on the 1st and 2nd gears of the four states of consciousness unconsciously!

The majority of leaders operate unconsciously on gear 2 (a "by me" consciousness state) - pushing, working hard, facing resistance inside and outside, getting into negative emotions vortex, hitting the ceiling, and maybe even burning out when things are hard.

Creating results and realizing your vision and goals - yours and with your team or organization - can be so much easier, joyful, and in flow when you change the gear to 3 & 4.

Operating from that gear (consciousness state), you experience synchronicities, doors open for you, people come into your life without you seeking, results and ideas flow, you feel abundant, you feel positive and connected with yourself and others, people follow you and you make a difference.

This is what I experience now operating from the consciousness states 3 & 4.

Which is your dominant operating gear (state) currently?

Ten years ago, I was a victim of states 1 & 2 - yes, you can see it as being a victim of those states as to move up to gears 3 & 4, you need to liberate yourself from many unconscious inner limitations.

This brings me to the next question on, How to switch the consciousness gears (states)?

How to operate from higher states of consciousness and embrace the ease, joy, and flow in realizing the vision and goals faster?

2 simple answers:

  • First, recognize in full honesty which gear you operate on and what are its costs - this will bring you awareness on where you are now and what is the opportunity for you, as well as reflection on what are the sometimes hidden costs of operating on the gear you are on.
  • Second, embark on a journey of transformation from within - there is no other way to shift your gear. The res no pill I can give you that will let you shift magically to operating on gears 3 & 4. Instead, I can help you accelerate getting there and expose you to all tools available to you once you break through from level 2.

The transformative journey within is where you...

... connect with your true authentic and higher self, your purpose

... paint a bigger vision from a place of integrity with that powerful self

... discover and shift unconscious biases and inner limitations (beliefs, fears, doubts, worries, energy blocks) that keep you stuck at level 2 or 1

... embrace capabilities and acquire tools enabling you to operate on the level 3 & 4

... activate the inner resources you have that you do not utilize today so that you can realize your vision and become an extraordinary leader.


What do you need to start?

A DESIRE to live and lead from your highest potential to make a greater impact + CURIOSITY to explore and shift.

The rest unfolds in the process guided by me.

That is what a transformative Extraordinary Leadership journey is about.

I invite you to embark on it and change your gear of operation to unleash your potential, realize yourself, and create a bigger impact.



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