Create a powerful morning routine to set yourself for a successful day

Jun 07, 2022

Your team members need you to be present, listening, caring, encouraging, inspiring and positive.

I find in Covid times, leaders are put into an unlimate test with increased stress levels and challenges associated at work or home.

I've been there myself - struggling with many meetings, crisis situations, limited social contact and leading remotely. Very quickly you can be juggling many problems at the same time in a virtual space and draining your energy that can lead you to showing up more irritated, impatient and become unproductive - quite opposite what your people and business need from you.

So to deal with that leaders need to establish a strong MINDFUL FOUNDATION in order to show up in a desired and needed way.
It is a mixture of mindful practices, being intentional and taking care of oneself. It includes a morning & evening routines, taking breaks, sleep, righ and regular meals, connecting with nature, people you love & yourself above all. It also includes living and leading with purpose.

One of that foundation, that is easy to establish and pretty important, is having a powerful MORNING ROUTINE.

How you start your day will define how you will show up.

The powerful morning routine:
🌟 sets you into a day positively
🌟 puts you in your desired state of mind
🌟 connects you to yourself & your purpose
🌟 connects you with your loved ones
🌟 makes you feel excited for the day, the experiences to come, the impact you will bring to the people you serve.

I call it a 'CONNECT WITH MYSELF' time and it includes the following:
✳ meditation & gratitude
✳ setting my daily intentions (how I want to show up, what I will pay attention to)
✳ setting/reviewing up to key 3 goals for a day I want to accomplish

✳powerfukl affirmations
✳ exercising/jogging (a couple of times a week)

After such a morning I feel much more energized, connected and focused and excited for what is coming. I show up more present and positive in my meetings. I notice more small positive acts and feel powerful inside, able to serve at my best to my clients nowadays. (previously my members and peers).

How do you start your day powerfully?
What do you do to show up as an extraordinary leader?

Looking forward to read below what helps you.👇

PS. If you want to learn more about how you can become an extraordinary leader, powerful from inside out, you can sign up for the waiting list of my program ⭐Become an Extraordinary Leader⭐. Please PM me for more info.


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