New Year And A New Chapter Of Your Life

May 30, 2022

What would you like to celebrate end of 2022?
How would you like to grow as a leader?
Who would you like to become?
What would you not like to regret to have not done?

I know, those questions require you to seat down and think about what you want.
They require from you to invest time and effort.
They may require from you to reach out for a help, since it can be overwhelming. 😱
I've been there many times- especially defining what I really want & asking for a help to get me out of my overthinking loop.

At this point, you might ask why should you bother, when it's easier just to see how things evolve.❓

The truth is, when you do not invest in defining your life and yourself as a leader, you give up a control of your life to circumstances and other people who will define it for you.
It will be easier maybe, but will that be better?
Would you like to GIVE UP CONTROL of your life to someone or something else?‼

Can you imagine in BUSINESS we would do the same- wait and see, without setting a vision, goals and performance measurement system?
Without defining how we want to behave and what we value? Without developing process and skills?
I doubt we would have successful companies and results.

So how about adapting same thinking for our life and leadership?
Aren't we the CEO's of our lives that defines how we want to live, show up and lead?

As a leader, people look up to you, as you are the ROLE MODEL. ‼
➡️What would you like to inspire your team members with this year?
➡️What example would you like to set for your members this year?
➡️What changes would you like to make this year?

Invest your time in reflecting on these to define this year and yourslef.

And, if you would like to:
✔ live your life to the fullest
✔ be an extraordinary leader that inspires and brings a positive change
✔ have an extraordinary year
... join me in my New Year’s PROGRAMME - ⭐BE THE EXTRAORDINARY LEADER⭐ & create your powerful 2022. Places are limited.

I'm committed to help you to:
✳ Define your inspiring vision
❇ Clarify your values - your essence
✳ Set aspiring intentions and goals
✳ Build supportive habits & routines
✳ Create a mindset for success
❇ Develop competencies to thrive
✳ Be accountable and stay on track

A world needs more extraordinary leaders who inspire - be one of them!
Are you creating your extraordinary year?


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